Descent method and weight lifting story


As I gazed out the window of the airplane, I watched as we descended through the clouds. The once billowy white masses were now beneath me, and the ground was growing closer with each passing moment.

It reminded me of setting a long-term goal that was six months away, where you can see them in the distance but they are just faint images. But as time passes, you get closer and closer to your goal, until finally, you arrive at your destination.

I thought about my own journey of setting a short-term goal, and it reminded me of the process of bench pressing. I started with a goal of being able to bench press 100 pounds, a weight that seemed impossible to lift at the time. I was like a plane in the clouds, unsure of how to reach my destination.

But I was determined to make it happen, so I began to chart a course towards my goal. I researched and learned everything I could about weightlifting, proper form, and muscle development. I talked to experts in the field and trained with experienced lifters.

Just like the plane breaking through the clouds and seeing the ground for the first time, I began to see progress towards my goal. It was still distant, but it was visible, and I knew I had to keep moving forward.

Over the next few months, I worked tirelessly to build my strength and increase my bench press. There were times when I encountered setbacks and plateaus, but I always kept my eyes on the horizon and stayed focused on my destination.

As the days passed, my muscles grew and my strength improved, and I found myself getting closer and closer to my ultimate goal of bench pressing 275 pounds for 5 reps. It was like the plane descending towards the ground, where the destination becomes clearer and more tangible with each passing moment.

And just like the plane touching down on the runway, I finally achieved my long-term goal of bench pressing 275 pounds for 5 reps. It was a moment of triumph and satisfaction, knowing that all of my hard work and dedication had paid off.

Reflecting on my journey, I realized that setting short & long-term goals are like flying a plane or bench pressing. It requires a clear vision, careful planning, and the ability to navigate through turbulence and setbacks. But with persistence and determination, I broke through the clouds and reach my destination.

As I racked the weights and walked away from the bench press, I felt a sense of gratitude for the lessons I learned on my journey towards achieving my goals. And I knew that no matter what obstacles lie ahead, I had the skills and experience to overcome them and reach even greater heights in the future.

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